The essential role of the family in the education of affectivity


  • Luca De Rosa Facoltà Teologica Pugliese



The research work intends to present the need to educate in the recognition of the value of human sexuality on the basis of the principles of difference and complementarity between man and woman, following the line of personalism, according to a philosophical anthropology, which safeguards the integral character of the person. human, avoiding any form of reductionism. The duality between the two sexes is expressed in relationality, which leads to the constitution of the family, as a fundamental cell of society, as a stable community of life between a man and a woman and to procreation. The generation of children shows, in fact, that the love of a couple has reached its maturity in marriage, to the point of transmitting life and wanting to take care of the children, dedicating to them the best energies, both physically and affective.

Subsequently, I analyzed the theory of gender, through the study of the texts translated into Italian on this topic and through the contribution of scholars of philosophy and psychology, in order to demonstrate that with the theses expressed by gender there is a tendency to a flattening and a a leveling between man and woman. By replacing sex with gender, there is, in fact, a risk of homologation, which in no way guarantees the personal identity of man and woman in reciprocity. In this way, the family disappears and the value of bringing up children is lost and thus a true anthropological revolution is accomplished.

I then examined the consequences of this approach on a pedagogical level thanks to the contribution of developmental psychology studies. The different roles assumed by parents in the education of their children make them both necessary, as the child develops a bond of attachment towards his father and mother, which allows him to grow in a balanced way in the learning process. In the absence of one of the two parental figures, who manifest the complementarity of life as a couple, the education of the child therefore always presents risk factors. The child becomes more of an object of desires than a gift for the couple, as the weakest human being and most in need of parental care and attention.





The formation of habits in the education of affectivity