
  • The Concept of “Ius“ in Thomas Aquinas
    Vol. 9 (2023)

    This new Forum volume collects an outstanding group of contributed papers presented at the Conference The Concept of Ius in Thomas Aquinas, held in April 2023 in collaboration between the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Read more...)

  • Forum 8 (2022)

    Vol. 8 (2022)

    The current volume of Forum. Supplement to Acta Philosophica, corresponding to the year 2022, collects the outcomes of some activities undertaken during the academic year in the School of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. (Read more...)


  • Vol. 7 (2021)

    The seventh volume of the online journal of philosophy Forum. Supplement to Acta Philosophica, corresponding to the year 2021, is published according to the sequence that the journal will follow in the future, at the end of the first half of the following year. (Read more...)

  • Vol. 6 (2020)

    The present volume, corresponding to the sixth year (2020) of the Online Philosophical Journal Forum. Supplement to Acta Philosophica presents two particularities, although of a different order. Read more...

  • Forum 5/2 (2019) Cover

    The essence of the law. The proposals of Michel Villey, Sergio Cotta and Javier Hervada
    Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019)

    The second issue of this volume collects the proceedings of the study conference The essence of law. The proposals of Michel Villey, Sergio Cotta and Javier Hervada, organized by the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross on April 1-2, 2019. The number, extension and specificity of the selected essays led us to collect these documents in a separate file, which will undoubtedly constitute a notable contribution to philosophical and juridical reflection.

  • Forum 5/1 (2019) Cover

    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019)

    The annual volume of Forum. Supplement to Acta Philosophica, now in its fifth year, this time presents particular characteristics, which have endowed the volume with an exceptional broadness. This led, consequently, to its division into two issues. Read more...

  • Forum 4 (2018) Cover

    Vol. 4 (2018)

    This fourth volume of FORUM collects the contributions presented in some of the activities carried out in the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Read more...

    Starting from this volume, FORUM hosts a new section, entitled “Itineraries”, offering reading keys and thematic paths, concerning particularly significant texts of the history of philosophy. Read more...

  • Forum 3 (2017) Cover

    The metaphysical dimensions of nature
    Vol. 3 (2017)

    The third volume of FORUM collects the contributions presented in the discussion panels of the conference The metaphysical dimensions of nature, organized by the Faculties of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) and of the University of Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana), in the days 23-25 February 2017. Read more...

  • Forum 2 (2016) Cover

    Vol. 2 (2016)

    This second volume of FORUM collects contributions from some of the activities carried out in the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross during the year 2016. Read more…

  • Forum 1 (2015) Cover

    Philosophy as Paideia. On the educational role of philosophical studies
    Vol. 1 (2015)

    The first volume of FORUM collects the contributions presented in the discussion panels of the International Conference Philosophy as Paideia, organized by the School of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross on 23 and 24 February 2015. Read more...